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We are a specialised service for women, children & young people, in Caithness & Sutherland who have experienced domestic abuse, and we have been providing a specialised service in Caithness & Sutherland for nearly 20 years.

CASWA is a specialised organisation in Caithness and Sutherland for women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. We have nearly 20 years of experience of delivering a support and information service and are registered in Scotland as a charity and a company limited by guarantee.

We operate an outreach service which is delivered by our domestic abuse specialists across and throughout the area through our Women’s Service and Children & Young People’s Service.

We are an LGBTI inclusive service this means that CASWA provides a service for all women, children & young people experiencing domestic abuse.

In addition, we also recognise our role in raising awareness and providing education about domestic abuse. Please see the services section for more information.

Everyone who approaches us for support will receive the best, most appropriate advice and support we can give.

CASWA’s aim is to help, support and empower you to make your own informed choices and enable you to understand and move on from your experience. To help do this we will provide you with non- judgemental support and offer you the most appropriate advice in relation to your individual situation, ensuring a person centred approach which is tailored to your needs.

We are a team of 10 women specialised in supporting women, children & young people.

We are regulated by the Care Inspectorate, for the last 2 inspections (2016; 2018) across all areas tested (care & support, management & leadership and staff) we have been marked as excellent. Our most recent report can be accessed here: Care Inspectorate Report 2018

Our Duty of Candour report can also be accessed here.