The Gift Project
In August 2019 a friend gave me a number of bags of children’s clothing, toys, a doll and a child’s seat.
Knowing that CASWA does not have the means to accept donations, I chanced that they might be interested to take what I had been given. So I met the CASWA team and between them they took almost all that I had and relocated it to individuals.
It was a rude awakening when I experienced this moment and realised that there was a vital unmet need in our community.
As a result of this I decided to launch The Gift Project. The plan, that I will stock new or nearly new clothing, toiletries ,linen , cot, toys and books.
Through family, friends and social media I have had amazing support,
time and donations. All the items are on a data base and the CASWA
Domestic Abuse Specialists can contact me with their needs.
I will box up the items and they will go out as a gift.
It’s early days, but it has already been of service.
Annie MacDonald.
CASWA Volunteer