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Awareness Raising & Education

Awareness raising and education plays a core part of the work that we do at CASWA. We welcome opportunities to raise awareness about CASWA and provide education around domestic abuse and its impact on women, children and young people.  


We have a variety of advertising materials available, including leaflets, business cards, posters, stickers, pens, etc. These can be requested from us directly by contacting us by e-mail, phone or contact us here.

An important part of the work that we do at CASWA involves raising awareness about domestic abuse. As an experienced, trained and knowledgeable team of domestic abuse specialists, we are well-placed to facilitate a better understanding of domestic abuse within our community.

We value opportunities to raise awareness of our service and the work that we do to increase CASWA’s visibility in the community. We are available to provide formal and informal talks, sessions and workshops to community groups and workplaces, such as SWI groups, Rotary Clubs, Youth Groups, Church Groups, Health & Social Care Teams, Housing Teams, Third Sector Organisations, etc.

In addition, we are also available to hold stands and/or display information at community events or in public spaces. We have built a good relationship with local libraries and arrange Christmas displays on an annual basis, in addition we attend North Highland College Fresher’s Fayre every year.

We are funded to deliver an essential service within Caithness and Sutherland to women, children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. As a charitable organisation, we are always in need of more funding to help us support women, children and young people. We are very grateful to fundraisers and value local fundraising.

If you would like to arrange for CASWA to visit your group or workplace or if you would like to arrange to fundraise for us, please get in touch by e-mail, telephone or contact us here.

Some of our Awareness Raising and Educational Events